Tamboré Business Unit



Tamboré is a consolidated brand nowadays and the urban development business unit of Tegra Incorporadora.


The history of Tamboré dates back to the neighborhood created by the Alvares Penteado family in the early 1980s. In 2016, Tegra acquired the rights to the brand to launch its urban development business unit (lots).

This business unit represents a new avenue of growth for the Company, complementary to vertical real estate development activities.

Tamboré Urbanismo focuses on medium-sized cities (with more than 250 thousand inhabitants), high HDI, favorable master plan and positive economic prospects for the expansion of the urban area.

For more information, click here.

  • Tamboré Jundiaí
  • Tamboré Uberlândia

PSV of R$94 MM

High Income

December 2021

Jundiaí, SP


PSV of R$101 MM

High Income

December 2019

Uberlândia, MG