Tegra Business Unit

Tegra is a developer that operates in São Paulo, Campinas and Rio de Janeiro, focusing on medium and high income. There are 45 years of history with more than 26 million square meters built and under construction, more than 106 thousand properties developed, 97 thousand customers and 81 awards won.


What makes us unique?

We redefine the way of living and this only happens because we make everything exclusive: enterprises, people, and moments.

Being proud to be an example of good ESG practices in the construction sector, which is due to a great effort and the conviction that Tegra’s long-lasting existence depends on sustainability.


What makes our enterprises unique?

We have a clear purpose: build enterprises with a soul so that people can live better.

Our enterprises have a story, and they inspire and attract the people around them. They are well thought out and built with passion, commitment, dedication, and energy.


  • Latest Launches

Potential Sales Value (PSV) considers % Tegra

  • Claris Casa & Cube
  • YPY Alto do Ipiranga
  • Luce Cambuí
  • Reserva Caminhos da Lapa - Torre 2
  • Ledge Brooklin

PSV of R$354 MM

High Income

December 2023

Barra da Tijuca, RJ

PSV of R$230 MM

Middle Income

December 2023

Ipiranga, SP

PSV of R$181 MM

High Income

November 2023

Cambuí, Campinas

PSV of R$106 MM

Middle-High Income

March 2023

Lapa, SP

PSV of R$135 MM

Middle-High Income

May 2023

Brooklin, SP